Evolving circumstances and shifting priorities may require often require you to align your goal in a timeline different from the one that was defined earlier, in order to ensure accurate goal alignment and strategic agility.
In case you wish to re-align your goal to a parent goal in a different timeline
Step 1: Select the Goals page from the Performance tab.
Step 2: Search for the goal that you wish to re-align and click on it to open the “Edit goal” panel.
Note : Here, a goal may refer to an objective or a key result.
If the goal does not have child goals (objectives or key results) :
Step 3: On opening the "Re-align" panel, change the Timeline specified at the top right corner to the timeline that you wish to re-align to.
Step 4: Only the goals corresponding to the newly selected timeline would now be populated. Select a parent goal from the list or expand a particular goal to view the childs goals that are aligned to that goal, in case you wish to align your goal to one of the childs goals. You can also search for a particular goal.
Step 5: Select the goal you wish to select as a parent and click on the Re-Align button. Your goal would be re-aligned, and the timeline for the goal would be updated. In case you wish to re-align the goal at the strategic level (without a parent goal), select the Align at Strategic Level option.
However, if the goal that you wish to re-align has child goals (objectives or key results):
Step 6: You would be required to confirm if you wish to re-align the child goals as well.
If you choose to re-align the child goals as well, the entire tree of child goals would be re-aligned with the goal.
If you choose not to re-align the child goals,
Step 7: You would have to choose a parent goal for the child goals of the goal that you wish to re-align. Doing so would re-align the child goals.
Step 8: You would then be required to choose a parent goal for the goal that you wish to re-align, and your goals tree would be successfully updated. You can also choose to re-align the goal tree without a parent by choosing the Align at Strategic Level option.
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