Views can be really effective in creating transparency in terms of performance for managers and admins. However, Views can also get outdated for a number of reasons -
- A certain team member not working at the company anymore
- (add one or two more reasons why someone would want to delete views)
For any cases like above or in case of a human error while creating a certain View, you can delete any views that are no longer of any utility to you or your team.
Deleting existing Views
- Step 1: From the left panel on your current page click on the ⚙️ Manage Views button. The Manage Views section would pop up.
- Step 2: From the list of all saved views, that should now be on your screen, navigate and find the one you wish to apply.
- Step 3: Once you’ve located the View you wish to apply, click on the ︙ (three dots) button against your desired View in the list.
- Step 4: From the list of options that now appear, click on the 🗑️ Delete button.
⚠️ Caution: Please note that this action is irreversible. Although you can always create a new View again, deleting a view would remove it from the system and cannot be undone.
- Step 5: A confirmation pop-up would appear asking you to confirm delete or cancel the operation. Click on the Delete button to confirm, only if you’re sure.
Your selected View would now be deleted. As confirmation, you should be redirected to the Manage Views section and a text pop-up confirming the successful deletion would appear.
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