Once you’re on the Mesh homepage, hover over “Coaching” in the top navigation bar. This will open a dropdown from where you need to click on the “Develop” option. This will open up the following Develop homepage.
My Development Plan:
On the left hand side navigation plane, you will see an option for “My Development Plan” which will show you two options:
Step 1: Talk to your manager
To add a career discussion to the agenda of your next 1:1 with your manager, click “Add Level Up discussion to agenda”. This will indicate to your manager that you’re ready to have a discussion regarding your career progression, and help you set clear expectations for your development.
Step 2: Choose your role
This option focuses on bringing clarity to which role you want to work towards. Click “Work towards a new role” if you want to start making effort words a greater or higher role. Or click “Focus on your current role” if you feel there are still competencies you need to master in your current position.
Considering you have selected either your current role or a new one, and had a discussion with your manager, you’ll be able to see a list of all the competencies aligned to the role, and your progress against them. This view also allows you to see the set target timelines and their risk estimation so you can seek out feedback against those competencies. Remember, receiving feedback against your competencies and adding initiatives aligned to them will help move the progress bar, and make your effort visible to your manager.
The filters on top of your competencies lets you easily identify competencies based on the progress you’ve made against them. This way you can focus your efforts towards competencies that you haven’t received much feedback against and are in the “Starting” or “Building” level.
To know more about any competency, simply hover over them, and click the “View Competency” button. This will show you detailed information about its description, the progress you’ve made, an option to quickly add it to your next 1:1 agenda, praise/advice you’ve received, and initiatives all for this competency.
Develop for People Managers:
My Team:
On the left navigation plane, click “My Team” and you’ll see the “Explore” tab open. This view allows you to get a quick overview of the development progress across your direct reports so you can provide the necessary coaching to enable them to reach their career aspirations.
To get more nuanced data for each individual and their competency, click on “Insights”. Here you have many options to view your team by grouping them via the competency, the individual, the role, or their function. Use the filters to get an in-depth understanding of how your team is progressing through various representations of your team’s data.
You can also download this data by clicking on the blue download button on the right side of this table.
Develop for Admins and Leaders
Similarly for Admins and Leaders, you’ll be able to view career development data via the “My Organization Tree” and “My Company” options on the left hand side navigation pane. This will let you visualise the data and progress across your People Managers’ teams, and the company at large.
Use similar filters on top of the table to group the data how you wish to view it. You will also have the option to download your data using the same download icon on the top right of your screen.
The ‘Views’ section on the left navigation pane has some preset views based on the different functions that exist in your company. You can also add your own custom view by clicking on “+ Add” that’s adjacent to “views”. By saving this view, you’ll be able to access it whenever you want, without having to create it over and over again.
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