The 1:1 module in Mesh sends various notifications through Email, Slack, or MS Teams. Here are the notifications and their email/chat formats.
1:1 reminder
Trigger event - Scheduled 24 hours before an upcoming 1:1
Recipient - Employees with upcoming 1:1s in the subsequent 24 hours
Subject - You have upcoming 1:1 meetings
Format -
Hi {Receiver’s first name},
You have one or more upcoming 1:1s in the next 24 hours. In case you haven't already, please add agenda points for your meeting(s).
- Meeting with {Team member} on {OOO date}, {Start time}
CTA - View all 1:1s
Sample -
Slack / MS Teams
Subject - 🤝 Upcoming 1:1s Reminder
Format -
Hi {Receiver’s first name},
You have one or more upcoming 1:1s in the next 24 hours. In case you haven't already, please add agenda points for your meeting(s).
- Meeting with {Team member} on {OOO date}, {Start time}
CTA - View all 1:1s
New 1:1 created
Trigger event - An employee creates a new 1:1 with another employee
Recipient -
Subject - {Recipient}, {Creator} has created a 1:1 with you
Format -
Hey {Recipient},
{Creator} has scheduled regular 1:1 meetings with you {frequency} on {day}.
At Mesh, we offer exciting incentives for engaging in 1:1 meetings with us. Our powerful insights provide valuable information about topics you still need to discuss, themes you've covered, and the overall sentiment surrounding them.
With our 1:1s, you can:
- Track agenda items - Add goals or initiatives. Our AI will categorize them into themes, sub themes and provide sentiment analysis.
- Enable growth with action items - Add tasks that promote your development.
- Capture meeting notes - Create shared or private notes for easy reference.
You'll receive a summary of your conversations via email in bullet points, allowing you to revisit them anytime.
CTA - Go to 1:1s
Sample -
Slack / MS Teams
Subject - 1:1 created!
Format -
{Creator} has created a new 1:1 with you.
CTA - Go to 1:1s
Existing 1:1 modified
Trigger event - When an employee modifies schedule for an existing 1:1
Recipient -
Subject - {Recipient}, upcoming 1:1 with {Actor} rescheduled
Format -
Hey {Recipient},
{Actor} has modified the schedule of your 1:1 with them. Your 1:1s will happen {frequenct} on {day}.
CTA - Take me to the 1:1
Sample -
Slack / MS Teams
Subject - 1:1 schedule modified!
Format -
{Actor} has modified the schedule of 1:1 with you
CTA - Go to 1:1
1:1 cancelled
Trigger event - When an employee cancels 1:1
Recipient -
Subject - {Recipient}, upcoming 1:1 with {Actor} cancelled
Format -
Hey {Recipient},
Your upcoming 1:1 with {Actor} at {time} has been cancelled.
CTA - Take me to the next 1:1
Sample -
Slack / MS Teams
Subject - 1:1 cancelled!
Format -
Your upcoming 1:1 with {Actor} at {time} has been cancelled.
CTA - Go to next 1:1
These notifications and templates help keep everyone organized and connected within the 1:1 module on Mesh. They ensure smooth communication and collaboration across teams.
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